Gruppo Folkloristico
I Danzatori di Bram APS
Sede: Via Vigone, 3 10061 Cavour (TO)
Via Gioberti, 10
10061 Cavour (TO)
tel. 0121 69207
Via Vittorio Veneto, 64 10061 Cavour (TO)
tel. 0121 69207
Cell. 335 547 4403
Pagina Facebook: I Danzatori di Bram
Pagina Instagram: _idanzatoridibram_
Gruppo Folkloristico
I Danzatori di Bram APS
Sede: Via Vigone, 3 10061 Cavour (TO)
Via Gioberti, 10
10061 Cavour (TO)
tel. 0121 69207
Via Vittorio Veneto, 64 10061 Cavour (TO)
tel. 0121 69207
Cell. 335 605 5459
Pagina Facebook: I Danzatori di Bram
Pagina Instagram: _idanzatoridibram_
The folk group “I Danzatori di Bram“ was founded in 1989. Its name comes from an ancient legend of the “rocca di Cavour” (Cavour Rock).
It is registered in UFI (Italian Folk Union)
The group has performed in Piedmont, in several Italian regions and in some European states.

The repertory consists not only of Piedmontese and Occitan dances coming from the Alpine Provence tradition (courente, gigo, tresso, controdanso, balet, bureo, mazurche, polche…ndr these are all name of dances) but also of various folk national and international dances, which were taken from groups coming from different regions or nations met during the festivals.

The group’s costumes are inspired by the Piedmontese and international folk tradition and are completely designed by the components of the group.

The Bram dancers are accompanied, in their Occitan and Piedmontese dances, by a music group composed by the following instruments: barrel organ, hurdy-gurdy, galulet, violin and tambourine.
As regards the national and international dances, the group uses music files and compact disks.
Moreover, the group has his own stereo system.
